How Will the Cloud Increase Productivity?

By Ranggi R.

Published on May 19, 2023

Every business performance needs to be improved. Especially in this era – Industry 4.0.

Boost Productivity with the cloud

Both manufacturing and SME, all industries must boost their productivity. Despite having excellent employees, they all have limitations.

With the presence of new technology. It will be easier to improve productivity than before, especially for industries that are digitally transformed. 

This is possible by adopting cloud technology.

4 Types of Future Productivity 

With cloud technology, workers will be able to access data in real-time. Moreover, they can perform their tasks beyond their means. Below are 4 types of future productivity that will occur in future employees:

1) Backups and Recovery

Human error and sudden disaster are force majors. When data is stored in the cloud, it will minimize the risk of data loss. Here are some tips to help save your files.

2) 24/7 Security

No wonder digital risks and cybercrimes happen at any time. However, using the cloud will prevent it all. With a real-time monitoring system, users can get the report right away. 

3) Collaboration

Cloud offers real-time data management. From accessing, editing, chatting, and sharing, no more boundaries for you and your teammates from around the world to collaborate.

4) Tracking and Monitoring

Cloud also helps you to track and monitor any kind related to the business: Resource usage, sales, metrics, etc.

Less effort and use of resources are increasing productivity growth. There are lots of cloud applications available to help you gain all of these futuristic benefits. 

And most of the technology’s early adopters use cloud storage to customize Hi-Tech software.

Cloud Storage for Productivity

Using cloud storage is very beneficial in terms of productivity because cloud storage provides solutions to increase the work ethic.

If you are wondering how cloud storage does that, we have made a list below:

1) Effective and smoother collaboration

Strong teamwork is a critical component of a successful business and enterprise, and interdepartmental collaboration is one way to strengthen teamwork.

One of the solutions that cloud storage provides is that it allows everyone to work collaboratively with others.

With the ability to share files or documents, users can interact and get together in real-time through what is shared in another city, country, or even continent. 

2) Data safety

Never compromise security when it comes to digital activities, especially when storing data.

When you store data in the cloud, your files are encrypted and continuously monitored to protect against cybersecurity threats, which makes it far harder for cybercriminals to access them.

Even though your data is lost, which mostly occurs due to human error, you can still restore it.

3) Easier data management

With the available features, everyone can organize and manage data in a very easy way in cloud storage.

Public and private cloud storage is designed to be helpful, and so are the features. Besides data management, the features also help users eliminate the risks of data loss, such as a feature for retrieving data.

So, no wonder why people choose cloud storage as a data backup solution.

Choose Your Digital Solution

For your digital life, you need a digital solution.

There are many choices of cloud storage services to look up to. Many offer various features with various subscription prices.

For better productivity, Jaybod is the best service you can begin with.

With our collaborative feature named Workgroup, enable yourselves to make team communication and collaborate in real-time. 

Cloud storage with collaboration tools? Only in Jaybod you can have that experience.

Equipped with encryption and two-factor authentication (2FA), Jaybod also guarantees the safety of your data and account with high-level security by adding an extra layer of protection.

Do not let your productivity down in Industry 4.0. Hand yourself with Jaybod.