By Agastya W.
Published on July 27, 2023
Technology, The Air That We Breathe
Technology has become an essential part of our daily lives.
Have you ever wondered how frequently employees check their laptops, smartphones, emails, or social media? Furthermore, the usage of sophisticated software and smart technology.
Everyone is aware that people are currently “digitalizing” their daily routines.
However, not everyone can keep up with the rapid growth of technology. Some of them may be successfully transformed, while others have failed.
Main Reasons Why Digital Transformation Failed
Individuals must overcome several challenges during their transformational path. Here are five of the most likely causes before they occur:
1) Privacy and Security
Digital transformations are often associated with data collection, storage, migration, and processing.
People are possibly spreading personal data and attracting undesired cybercrime, such as data leaks, data breaches, data theft, and cyber-attacks, due to a lack of knowledge.
2) Technology Inequality
Technology has inequality in its implementation. Not everyone has the same resources and access. This is why digital transformation fails in many areas.
3) Information Overload
Some people experience digital overwhelm when they are constantly bombarded with information. It makes filtering and maintaining focus on work challenging.
4) Resistance to Change
Not everyone goes digital of their own desire; some are forced by workplace regulation. It hinders progress and undermines successful implementation.
5) Distraction and Multitasking
Too much access and information causes disruption of focus and concentration. As a result, people are difficult to complete their work.
In conclusion, human is one of the most crucial factors that have an impact on digitalization.
Digital Transformation and Human Error Case
In 2017, the most popular managed service company, Amazon Web Services (AWS) experienced a widespread outage that affected several websites and online services. The outage happened by human error during the routine maintenance process.
It happened because one of the AWS workers accidentally ran a command designed to remove a small number of servers from the S3 system. However, due to a typo, the command was performed improperly, resulting in the downtime of a considerably larger number of servers.
This case proves that human error can have a huge impact on business. This can be detrimental in terms of finances or reputation.
How to Prevent Human Error in Digital Transformation
To reduce the impact of human error, people and organizations can do several things, including: